Key points to help you plan your day:
On-street parking along the parade route will end at 4:00pm
Streets will be closed to vehicle traffic at 5:00pm
Parking is limited, it is suggested to arrive early
Free bus rides to and from the Elks Club before and after parade
Do not park on private property or block driveways
The organizers of the Holiday Lighted Tractor Parade and the Cambridge-Greenwich Police Department will set up a detour route early on Saturday, November 18th to bring travelers around, not through, the Village of Greenwich during the parade. It is hoped the detours will help to get people moving onto their destinations and not waiting in traffic on the main roads during the parade.
Visitors are encouraged to arrive early before main road traffic backs up and before road closures at 5:00pm. Many activities, such as music and food, begin at 2:00pm.
Lighted detour notice signs will be posted at affected roads in advance to give motorists time to make alternate travel plans for the evening of November 18th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.
Parking is limited and attendees may use side street parking and available open lots. Carpooling is encouraged and patience is requested when leaving the village after the parade has concluded. Please be courteous to law enforcement, those directing traffic, and respectful of local property owners.
On-street parking will be prohibited at 4:00pm on Main Street from Academy to Washington Street and on Hill Street, Church Street, and at certain corners along the parade route.
The following have offered their parking lots to attendees:
Bottskill Baptist Church
26 Church Street
Free but donations accepted
Saratoga Regional YMCA, Battenkill Branch
184 Main Street
$10 per vehicle
Buses, free of charge, will be transporting visitors to and from the Greenwich Elks Club, located at the corner of Bulson Road and State Route 40, before and after the parade. This is available from 3:00pm to 5:00pm and 7:30pm to 8:30pm. Please enter parking lot from State Route 40 entrance as buses will be using Bulson Road entrance.